I have some free easy tips how to loss weight fast. I collect it from ebook I have Read. Weight loss is coming . . .

Friday, 2 January 2009

Actual fiber is a non-nutrient nutrition, which can not be digested and absorbed by the body. In the presence of food can usually diditeksi feel satisfied through the ditimbulkannya. Generally, the more fiber consumed, the more sense it actually survive in the stomach. >> Freshness intestine to the heart Not all of the same fiber and the fiber can be divided into soluble and soluble. Both have the same property, from various research proved the value of a positive assessment of the fiber.

>> Prevent heart disease and high blood pressure

Both coronary heart disease and high blood pressure (hypertension) is identical with the fat and cholesterol 'evil' (HDL). To prevent this, you must reduce the presence of both in the body. Soluble fiber and soluble not work together to prevent blood vessel constriction causes of coronary heart disease and high blood pressure.

>> Controls sugar in the blood

If you have diabetes or have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes perbanyaklah eat vegetables, fruits and other foods that contain soluble fiber. Foods rich in fiber and more slowly digested and absorbed so that the intestine prevent the increase of sugar in the blood dramatically and the needs of insulin in large numbers at once.

>> Controls appetite and help reduce the weight to give a sense of satiety

Because older, so many nutrition experts recommend consumption of fiber to help reduce hunger for those who want to lose weight. Foods that contain soluble fiber is not usually chewed longer, making the brain was sending satiety signals to the stomach, so you do not eat excessive.

How many need?

Fruits, vegetables, and grains are excellent sources of fiber, so the opinion of experts in nutrition anywhere. It is true that now many fiber supplements that are easily obtained in the market in various forms of price and the diverse. You should only invite, but Do not make it the main source of your fiber needs. And how many bodies need fiber? Although many experts recommend 25-35 grams of fiber per day, but not all people have the same needs. With the level of consumption of Asian adults are only 2,000 calories per day then seratnya needs only 25 grams.

soluble fiber

Pectin fruits (apples, strawbery,-jerukan orange) Beta-glucans wheat, barley (similar grains) Gums Pod-polongan, rice, barley, wheat, grains, seaweed, husk psylium (often used as a supplement).

is not soluble fiber

Cellulose forms Vegetables such as cabbage leaves, roots (carrot, beet), bekatul, whole Wheat Skin hemicellulosa stone that cover the rice or wheat Lignin Trunk, klit, and vegetables


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