Obesity is a condition where a person has excess weight for at least kurangnnya Dati 20% of normal weight. Degrees of obesity was measured by using the formula body mass index (body mass index / BMI), waist circumference, and the ratio of (comparison) waist circumference to hip circumference (Waist-Hip Ratio, or WHR). Body Mass Index (BMI) formula that is most often used to assess obesity. BMI obtained by dividing weight by height square body (kg/m2). BMI value of 25 - 29.9 classified as overweight (excess weight), while BMI 30 or more are classified as obese (overweight). Waist circumference is used to assess the amount of fat content of the stomach. Ratio (a comparison) waist-hip (WHR) by dividing the amount of waist circumference with a magnitude of pelvic ring. WHR 1 or more (in both men and women) showed the risk of obesity. Obesity is a risk factor that plays an important role to the emergence of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, gall bladder disease, and breast cancer, prosfat, and the colon. thus, this condition can strike anyone age. The actual causes of obesity is the interaction of various factors (genetic, psychological, socioeconomic, and cultural), such as eating too much, the excessive alcohol consumption, less activity, and slow body metabolism. Obesity is generally ancestry and can be experienced by anak2 and teenagers.
- Reduce the share of food. Go low-fat diet and high fiber.
- Reduce consumption of foods high berkalori derived from the entry, such as meat, chicken skin, poultry meat that is red / dark, fried food, butter, cheese, milk (except milk klim), junk food, and all kinds of processed food.
- Use vegetable oil, peanut oil, or oil made from grains in the number of medium.
- The type of food consumed should consist of fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk and fat-free.
- Stop smoking and avoid excessive consumption of alcohol.
- Go with regular aerobic exercise under the supervision of trained instructors.
- Make the type of aerobic sports, such as swimming, cycling, walking, and Jogging.
- The guard weight to remain in the normal limits with many physical activities.
- Do not consume Random drug / medicine pelangsing without consultation with a doctor first. - Balanced diet, along with prayer is the best way to reduce excess body weight.
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